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From the mom and dads to the grandpas and grandmas our children come from all different walks of life but here at One You and at all of our A1 1U community collaborations we are all invited and welcomed in as one big happy family . This is some of the graduating class from the 2022 Summer Leadership Bootcamp. Sponsor A Kid for 2023 Spring
From the mom and dads to the grandpas and grandmas our children come from all different walks of life but here at One You and at all of our A1 1U community collaborations we are all invited and welcomed in as one big happy family . This is some of the graduating class from the 2022 Summer Leadership Bootcamp. Sponsor A Kid for 2023 Spring Quarter and other Community Initiatives such as Project PRIDE(Behavioral & Leadership , Project H.O.W. (Heal On Wheels Self Development Lab and Community Health Clinic ).
The most valuable, most Euphoria is to witness our parents see the growth that came from within their own child. The smiles, the tears & love. The proud moments of glee and feelings of overwhelming joy is what we strive to do more for more of our community members each day.
Our goal is for our parents to feel proud of child for who they
The most valuable, most Euphoria is to witness our parents see the growth that came from within their own child. The smiles, the tears & love. The proud moments of glee and feelings of overwhelming joy is what we strive to do more for more of our community members each day.
Our goal is for our parents to feel proud of child for who they are and what they learned and for our children to be proud of their parents for who they are and what they earned . Love covers a multitude, can’t you see it.
Not only do we conquer labels and stigmas here but our kids are also able to help one another and truly exercise their leadership rights, skills & abilities. In 8 weeks our "Take Pride" Leadership Boot Camp we successfully navigated emotional intelligence, learning disabilities (dyslexia), and cognitive decision-decision-making. With the
Not only do we conquer labels and stigmas here but our kids are also able to help one another and truly exercise their leadership rights, skills & abilities. In 8 weeks our "Take Pride" Leadership Boot Camp we successfully navigated emotional intelligence, learning disabilities (dyslexia), and cognitive decision-decision-making. With the help of others love and support . We take pride in being the change we need to be and see.
say no more .
We are always excited to expose & engage our leaders to new experiences and opportunities. We seek nothing but to educate, sharpen minds and develop positive people and contributions to society. All while challenging them mentally, emotionally and socially thru learning and motor-skills training
His-story is relative to who is telling the actual story. Here at A1 community Collaborative One you, inc., focuses on broadening and deepening the knowledge, insights and cultural contexts relative to historically excluded communities of color and culture. All while exploring various facets of community, identity and language as we crea
His-story is relative to who is telling the actual story. Here at A1 community Collaborative One you, inc., focuses on broadening and deepening the knowledge, insights and cultural contexts relative to historically excluded communities of color and culture. All while exploring various facets of community, identity and language as we create one you nations locally and global throughout various counties and states as we await our 501c4 status to promote Social Welfare.
This is a snippet from our 2022 Leadership
Summer Bootcamp. This was their first time presenting their values and classroom confessions in front of the class to their parents so excuse their nerves but here’s what they had to share. Sometimes they blow me away.
Our A1 One You community collaboratives are designed to provide an holistic infrastructure to combat systemic/social inequities. We believe actions speak louder than words but words have to marinate in the heart. Here's what our kids had to say, we look forward to providing affordable childcare (2023 summer & afterschool) locally, to a county near you ! Sponsor A Kid Today.
Our next generation of leaders will too have to face the many adversities and opposition intricately woven in the design of society , however that does not stop their talents, time or grind.! We adhere to a culturally affluent environment that promotes unity and justice for all.
Here at One You inc., we focus not only on positive engagement and education but we work hard to be able to assist the overall personal growth & development of the children, their parents and extended familial needs. Our social learning curriculum was designed to empower the next generation to become their best self in all areas of life all while equipping and helping them to navigate successfully throughout life (resource allocation).
This is a snippet from our community Collaborative Confidence Building Workshop. Where we built and re-built self esteem and unity amongst our communities all while conquering the labels and stigma society has imposed and attached to our undeserved historically excluded underrepresented communities. Thus the need for the Innovative Research Fund-Partnership.
Here's a recap of our humble beginnings.
This is how our 2022 summer went. Be on the lookout for registration to join us next summer 2023. We promote social learning, leadership, behavioral development & community! To support any of our initiatives please email us at
Promote our 22'-23' Quarterly Affordable Childcare Initiative Be the Change we need to see for ourselves, families and communities. Believing that change starts with one and that one starts with you. Donate or volunteer with us email us at
Our goal is to sponsor childcare for 10-20 families and deserving children quarterly thru our community sponsorship and A1 Affiliates Program
Classroom Confessions
I am all for success
I am all for your success
I am all for my success
When you win I win
When I win you win
There is only one you
There is only one me
I will be the best me I can be
Take pride (x3)
Try try try until you can do!
Ask someone if you don’t know what to do
Keep a smile on your face and Control your emotions
Everything that is for you requires real work from you
Progress is better than perfection
Resist the urge to worry and fear
I can do anything I put my mind to
Don’t give up when things get hard
Every day is a chance to strive for greatness
P is for Perseverance: Try try try until you can do
R is for Resilience: Bounce back when things get tough
I is for Integrity: I will be who I say I will be and I will do what I say I will do . I will be a man or woman of integrity
D is for Determination: don’t give up when things get hard
E is for Excellence: it cost more but it pays for itself. I am not what they say, I am not mediocre, I am not average, I am not a label . I am excellent and do my best at anything I do !
That’s A1
One You provides: workshop, seminars, lecture series, internships and investment opportunities for local communities, civic engagement and government councils
To better understand the historic and relevant contextual facets and promote the proper narrative for underrepresented objectives are as follows:
1. increase research capacity among marginalized groups.
2. properly equip community members to advocate and engage with civic and community leaders.
3. Provide a proper framework that reflects the motivation and decision making of individuals who have been marginalized by various systems in America.
4. Extend the literature in research, practice and policy as it relates to individuals who have been socially, economically and/or politically marginalized.
5. Engage community members, civic and governmental sectors to interact with one another respectfully & organically to foster a healthy living environment that is equal and just for all members of the community.
6. Educate and empower local community members thru historic and current culturally relevant materials relevant to the social and economic impacts within society locally and globally.
William Moultrie, JD. serves in Higher Education as Associate Dean and is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Member.He specializes in Student-Centered Success, Higher Education & Law. He also serves as Board Member for One You, Inc.
Overview of Organization: One You, Inc., is a tax exempt 501c3 non-profit organization that focuses on equipping individuals with the necessary tools and resources to navigate their respective industries/ areas of interests within their communities. While promoting positive social & economic impact. OneYou focuses on expanding and providing lucrative resources for marginalized groups through research, community engagement, continual education and economic support on both a local and international level.
Our Mission: Is to be the change we need to see, for ourselves, our community and our nation. Believing that change starts with one and that one starts with you !
Our Vision:Takes an intergenerational and multilinear approach to 1. Combat structural and systemic inequalities thru research & communal advocacy 2. Equips individuals with necessary tools to navigate their respective industry 3) Engages community in collaborative continual learning efforts 4) Promote unity and justice for all members of the community across all sectors
Values: One You Takes “PRIDE
· Perseverance
· Resilience
· Integrity
· Determination
· Excellence
The IRF is a Crowd Fund that allocates resources and donations for underserved & underrepresented communities.
To ensure advocacy accuracy, proper representation and positive outcomes for marginalized groups; the IRF produces innovative research & methodology, cutting-edge data analytics, and measurement tools to capture the historic and recent relevancy of both the social and economic shifts with efforts to extend research, practice and policy.
The (I.R.F) also supports and promotes the collaboration of local businesses, organizations (i.e non-profits, for-profit).and entrepreneurs to collectively combat social and economic inequalities and be the change that we know we need. All proceeds go to nonprofit organization One You, Inc.
Tax Deductible Donations & Tax Write-Offs are Welcomed. Payable to:9711 David Taylor Dr. Suite 103, Charlotte NC, 28262